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Thursday, September 23, 2010

From Our Mailbag - Regency Romances

I receive so many emails each day asking all sorts of questions. I've decided to start sharing some, so you, the romance reader expert, can help out other readers!

From Suzanne:

I'm drawn to historical romances of the Regency period and have been on a reading jag of everything written by Lisa Kleypas and Julia Quinn. I read a review of Ruthless by Anne Stuart and plan to read that as well.

Can you recommend other historical regencies for Suzanne? Post your suggestions to our blog!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Our blog

We have moved our blog back to and off The Romance Book Club.
We are always seeking guest bloggers, so please contact me if you are interested (authors OR readers!)

Hope you all had a great weekend! Post here and let me know what you did, what you are reading this week, and just give a shout out!